Small And Yellow? Gary Glitter Needs You! Male T-shirt.
Small And Yellow? Gary Glitter Needs You! Male T-shirt.: Look out shop keepers! Gary wants your Kodak cameras and lemons.

I Am Serious And Don\'t Call Me Shirley Male T-shirt.
I Am Serious And Don\'t Call Me Shirley Male T-shirt.: I just want to tell you both good luck. We\'re all counting on you. Rest in Peace Leslie Nielsen. One of the all time...

Poke Me Again And I\'ll F**king Kill You! Male T-shirt.
Poke Me Again And I\'ll F**king Kill You! Male T-shirt.: The dough boy has had enough and he\'s looking at you.

I\'ll Smack You So Hard Even Google Won\'t Find You! Male T-shirt.
I\'ll Smack You So Hard Even Google Won\'t Find You! Male T-shirt.: Motherf*cker\'s testing your patience too much? Then show them what you can do if they keep it up. This cool statement...

I\'m Not Laughing With You Male T-shirt.
I\'m Not Laughing With You Male T-shirt.: Being mean is a sure way to not make friends when you are the new guy. But if you feel like you have to point out corny...

I Want To Be On You Male T-shirt.
I Want To Be On You Male T-shirt.: I wanna say something. I\'m gonna put it out there; if you like it you can take it if you don\'t send it right back....

Even My Phone Is Smarter Than You Male T-shirt.
Even My Phone Is Smarter Than You Male T-shirt.: At least Siri can do some basic arithmetics whereas you can\'t even put 2 and 2 together. It\'s time you start visiting...

Do I Amuse You? Male T-shirt.
Do I Amuse You? Male T-shirt.: The standard in visual comedy this Charlie Chaplin-inspired t-shirt could be your next Halloween costume if you\'re...

I May Not Be The Best Looking Person In Here But I\'m The Only On...
I May Not Be The Best Looking Person In Here But I\'m The Only One Talking To You Male T-shirt.: There will be nights when you\'ll be quite unsure with your social and communication skill. That\'s when this awesome...

I Don\'t Feel Like Doing Anything Today Apart From You I\'d Defin...
I Don\'t Feel Like Doing Anything Today Apart From You I\'d Definitely Do You Male T-shirt.: It\'s just one of those lazy days you know. It says so on my flirty t-shirt. But we can be lazy together if you know...

Fenton I Think Someone Is Calling You Male T-shirt.
Fenton I Think Someone Is Calling You Male T-shirt.: Fenton! Fenton! Fenton! Oh Jesus Christ! Fenton! Fentooonnnnnn! Now you too can chase after a crazy mutt chasing after...

Fernando Is Faster Than You Male T-shirt.
Fernando Is Faster Than You Male T-shirt.: You can cheat in the sport of Formula 1 Racing?! Apparently you can! And Ferrari did it! Using a strategy called \"team...

F**k You Male T-shirt.
F**k You Male T-shirt.: Have you tried the Japanese eye test yet? In the age of otakus neckbeards and weaboos it is important to be more...

I\'m Not Laughing With You! Male T-shirt.
I\'m Not Laughing With You! Male T-shirt.: Ever had those weird buddies who like to join in your conversation and laugh at a joke he has no clue about? This...

0% Interest In You! Male T-shirt.
0% Interest In You! Male T-shirt.: In a recent study certain non-bogus researchers found that there is 0% of interest in you. This data can be interpreted...

I\'m Not Saying I\'m God I\'m Just Saying No One Has Ever Seen Me...
I\'m Not Saying I\'m God I\'m Just Saying No One Has Ever Seen Me And God In A Room Together Male T-shirt.: Once a conversation gets too serious you may find yourself defending what you believe in. It just so happens that you...

I\'m Very Font Of You Male T-shirt.
I\'m Very Font Of You Male T-shirt.: I\'m very font of you because you are just my type.

Bread And Butter Week In Week Out Male T-shirt.
Bread And Butter Week In Week Out Male T-shirt.: It\'s the ultimate diet regime that will give you those buttery cheeks you\'ve always wanted and this graphic t-shirt...

Even My Kindle Is Brighter Than You Male T-shirt.
Even My Kindle Is Brighter Than You Male T-shirt.: Know what a book is? The dimmest setting on my Kindle reader is even brighter than some people I know! I\'m starting to...

Here\'s A Bit Of Advice For You Male T-shirt.
Here\'s A Bit Of Advice For You Male T-shirt.: This joke is so stupid we almost flipped the table out of anger. What better way to diss someone else than to spread...